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All images can be seen on my website, but not all images are always present in our home or gallery. Often there are some at an exhibition. You can recognize the images that have been sold by the red sticker. Sculptures made from marble, French limestone and serpentine are hardy and weatherproof.

Theme Wind Gods

Greek mythology is based on the theme of the Wind Gods. A rich heritage, inspired by gods and heroes, that has had a major influence on Western culture. The wind gods were always depicted horizontally and flyingly

Wind Gods
Beelden van he project Windgoden

Boreas, God Van De Noordenwind
Euros, God Van De Oostenwind
Notos, God Van De Zuidenwind
Zephyros, God Van De Westenwind

Cocoons theme

This theme consists of five cocoons. The cocoon stands for safety and security. Phased and structured growth and development takes place and it offers protection.
The cocoon starts wide, but ends as a circle. The circle symbolizes enlightenment, protection and a change for the better.

Beelden van het project Cocons

Cocon Blauw 2
Cocon Bruin 1
Cocon Roze 1
Cocon Wit 1
Cocon Zwart

Theme Circles

This theme consists of 12 circles. Every circle has a different shape.
They are all made out of pink alabaster.
Depending on the incidence of light and the light intensity, alabaster gives a different colour. All images have the title ‘circle’, but in different European languages.

Beelden van project Cirkels

Cerc 33x16x06cm
Cerchio 25x16x06cm
Cercle 23x16x06cm
Circle 32x16x06cm
Circulo 19x16x06cm
Kolo 40x16x06cm
Kreis 24x16x08cm
Krog 25x16x08cm
Krug 18x09x06cm
Kruh 24x17x08cm
Kyklos 16x16x06cm
Sirkel 25x16x08cm
Circle Of Faith 20x12x02cm
Circle Of Life 18x15x02cm
Inner circle serpentijn, 37x35x07
Circle Of Hope
Circle Of Trust 2
Circle Of Truth

Drops theme

The drop in this theme is greatly magnified. A drop is puny and powerful at the same time, both positive and negative, breaking and harmonic in various forms, contexts and forms. The drops are made out of alabaster and have a stainless steel base.

Beelden van project Druppels

Compositie Druppel 1
Compositie Druppel 2
Compositie Druppel 3
Compositie Druppel 4
Compositie Druppel 5
Compositie Druppel 6
Compositie Druppel 7
Compositie Druppel 8

Heads theme

The "Heads" theme has been completed.
Alabaster, serpentine and soapstone heads. Just a head? A wayward person? A leader? A king on a coin?
I have made both realistic and figurative heads.

Beelden van project Kopstukken

Het Portret Savonniere 50x10x20cm
Ik Ben Melancholisch
Karakter Speksteen 35x17x12cm
Oam Pierre De Lens 50x20x20cm
Het Zijn
Ik Ben Voldaan
Ik Ben Vrolijk
Ik Ben
Ik Denk
Ik En Mijn Alter Ego
Ik Slaap
Vrouw Met Hoed 50x20x14
Ik Droom
Ik Speciaal
Ik Uniek
De Wachter
Ik Apart

Theme Lines

The line is so simple, but powerful as well. A line can suggest an entire imagination. Lines form the basis of compositions in the visual arts. In this theme I play with lines in different kinds of stone.

Beelden van project Lijnenspel

Spel Met Lijnen 1
Spel Met Lijnen 2
Spel Met Lijnen 3
Spel Met Lijnen 4
Spel Met Lijnen 5
Spel Met Lijnen 6
Spel Met Lijnen 7
Spel Met Lijnen 8
Spel Met Lijnen 9
Spel Met Lijnen 10
Wiende 2

Dance theme

Robert Heindel's painting "Five dancers San Francisco" inspired me to the theme dance. I have abstracted the dance into graceful movements. I want to show this in a stylized way in my images. The title of each image is always a concept from dance.

Beelden van project Dans

Dans Arabesque
Dans Relevé
Dans Ballet Blanc
Dans Flaminco 1
Pantomime 1
Pas De Deux Op Granieten Sokkel  39x31x23 Honingalbast
Paso Doble